Sunday, December 15, 2013


Warm up sketch with color. 

Petco had the most adorable veiled chameleons in its herp-hut the other day. Couldn't help but sketch them when I got home. 

Friday, December 13, 2013


Some reindeer sketch warm ups for my holiday cards this year. Caribou are fascinating, such fun and playful shapes. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Design and Color Theory

Classwork from both my Design and Color Theory classes at CSM. 

We are studying Notan, the positive/negative relationship of space and symmetry. 

Values of color. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sketch Dump

Recently started reading The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams even though I've had it forever. Tried out a few animation apps for iPad, eventually I will work out YouTube and post some experiments. IT'S SO DIFFICULT AT FIRST! Aaauuuugghhhh, like want to flip a desk difficult... Then you get the hang of it and it's SO FLIPPING AMAZING!!! 
This most likely has so many glaring errors any animator can pick outright away, but I don't think it turned out that bad. After jumping into an app right away without planning key frames and having everything be -jumpy- I sat down with the book and broke it down in steps. Still so much to learn! 

Otherwise here's stuff from this week: 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Shark week!?

Does this count for Shark Week? Is it Shark Week? Hmm...

I just couldn't resist turning a tornado into SHARKNADO! -que shrieks of terror-

Only a few more weeks 'till classes start, so excited, cannot wait. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I'd be lion if I said...

...light and shadow have got the best of me. There will be many nights spent lighting and sketching still life starting soon. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013


It's that feeling that creeps out of the shadows, sneaks up behind you, latches onto your creative jugular and rips you to shreds. 

I am not as great an artist as they are. 

When you are doing art to impress people, to become Internet famous, to be the next big thing; when you stop making art for yourself and only for others, that is when you put aside what makes you different as an artist. The moment you compare your work to someone of an equal, lesser, or greater experience level is when you've unconsciously blocked your ability for originality. Own your style, experiment with different ways of putting lines, shapes, and designs on paper/computer; but make them your own. If everyone's work looked the same it wouldn't be art. 

Lion and Tigers an- TIGERS!? Oh my!

Fun little doodle that turned into big scardy-cat.